Tuesday, April 18, 2006

BBOTSS Travel Logue - Part 9


As I finished the last of my sweet grass log, Allerosa slipped into my tent. She walked over to one of the sheepskin chairs and sat down.

"I have some new information I think you will be interested in," she said very quietly. "My spies have finally been able to give me the reports I requested without causing Missandei to be suspicious."

"Well lass, out with it," I said leaning forward.

"Apparently Missandei plans to use this host to attack Naoma and the Mad Goat. While she is telling us all it will bring peace to the island, she is planning to enslave us. The Ruffians are the only warriors on this island that know how to defeat the dragons. She promised us all local rule without her interference when Naoma was put down, but my little flies tell me a different tale. They say she and Turceda openly talk of us as slaves. Her dragons only grow after feasting on human flesh. They do not require it to stay alive, but only to grow."

This shocks me, even though I have been suspecting some kind of treachery from Missandei. "How reliable are your flies?" I ask her trying not to show my alarm.

"They are reliable enough to also know that she takes part in the flesh eating. Missandei plans to capture Naoma alive to feast her monsters," Allerosa confided her eyes tearing. "She believes that by eating Naoma's heart, she will be able to birth new hatchlings. Her three are the last of the Celebritees breed, the only breed to grow to a size large enough to ride. Her grandfather's conquest of this island was not prompted by the "Great Doom", but rather he was exiled for condoning flesh-eating."

"How do your flies know this?"

"They infiltrated Missandei's household eight moons ago as servants. By working hard, they maneuvered themselves into gentler work as Missandei's attendants." Allerosa paused to check for anyone listening to our conversation and lowered her voice. "I have commanded them to remain with her until Naoma has been defeated. We should not fight the Ruffians after Naoma falls. They may be our only hope at restoring peace to the island and remaining free. Oh Black Beard, what should we do?"

"Well Allerosa, this will take some careful thought and planning. I must consult Green Ears the Wise. He should have some idea of how to defeat dragons," I said waiting for her reaction. If she gets angry with waiting, she may need to be left in the dark about some of my maneuvers.

"I think that is an excellent idea. We have plenty of time before we march on Naoma, and the battle will take many days. Consult Green Ears and any other members of your crew you feel can help. My only request is that you do not betray my loyal friends for their part in this matter. They are the only protection we have right now and I know Missandei distrusts me more every day. Please Black Beard swear it to me," she insisted, her eyes shining with fear at the thought of harm coming to her friends.

"You have my word lass. I'll need your help to relay a message to my crew on board my ship. We may be needing them before this is over and I want them at oars. The message must not fall into Missandei's hands or they could be captured before they can help us."

"It will reach them, I swear it," Allerosa said standing to leave my tent. "I'll be taking my leave of you now before Missandei returns to camp. Have your message ready before daybreak and it will reach your crew."

"Sweet dreams Allerosa," I said as she slid through the door.

This news of Missandei's ulterior motives disturbs me. I've seen the power of the giant sea dragons and I can't believe the Celebritees will be anything less when tested. My crew must hasten to summon our comrades so they can make their way to the coast. If I can bring my entire crew onto Lexapidis and borrow a decoy crew for a spell, we may stand a chance.

I can feel the sweet grass coaxing me into sleep. I be needin' to be lyin' down before I be fallin' down. Until next time ye scalliwags.



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